Helpful information about plants in past Plant Sales and plants that we have grown or are currently growing in the Harvest Garden.
Plants are listed alphabetically by name and are also searchable using the box below.
- Abelia ‘Miss Lemon’
- Abelia Twist of Lime™
- African Corn Lily ‘Mabel’
- African Corn Lily ‘Magic Wand’ Mix
- Agastache ‘Heather Queen’
- Agastache ‘Tutti Frutti’
- Agave
- Airplane Plant or Spider Plant
- Ajuga ‘Black Scallop’
- Ajuga ‘Catlin’s Giant’
- Aloe Vera
- Allium ‘Summer Sparkler’ Mix
- Alonia™ Angelonia Big Blue
- Amaryllis
- Angel’s Trumpet Pink
- Angel’s Trumpet Purple
- Angel’s Trumpet White
- Angelonia ‘Serena® Purple’
- Angelonia ‘Serena® Rose’
- Angelonia Serenita® Mix
- Angelonia Serenita® Purple
- Angelonia Serenita® Rose
- Apple Honey Crisp
- Apple Pink Lady®
- Arrowroot
- Artemesia ‘Powis Castle’
- Aster ‘Fall’
- Aster Stokes
- Balloon Flower
- Basil ‘Green Bell Pepper’
- Basil Italian Pesto
- Basil Purple
- Beans Blue Lake Bush
- Beans Contender Bush
- Beans Rattlesnake Pole
- Beautyberry American
- Bee Balm Balmy™ Pink (New)
- Bee Balm Balmy™ Purple (New)
- Bee Balm Lemon Mint (Purple)
- Bee Balm or Wild Bergamot
- Beets Early Wonder
- Beets Kestrel
- Begonia Ambassador Red
- Begonia Ambassador Rose (New)
- Begonia Cultorum ‘Cocktail Pink’
- Begonia Dragon Wing
- Begonia ‘Dragon Wing® Pink’
- Black Gum Tree
- Black-Eyed Susan
- Blackberry Apache
- Blanketflower (New)
- Blue Daze
- Blue Dart Juncus
- Blue Flax
- Bluebells Spanish
- Blueberry Austin Rabbiteye
- Blueberry Sunshine Blue
- Blueberry Tifblue Rabbiteye
- Bougainvilla Solid Leaf (Mixed Colors)
- Bougainvilla Variegated Leaves (Mixed Colors)
- Brown-Eyed Susan
- Bulbine ‘Avera Sunrise Orange’
- Cabbage Cheers
- Cabbage Red Acre
- Cabbage Superstar
- Caladium ‘Carolyn Wharton Pink’ Fancy Leaf
- Calibrachoa Calipetite® Red
- Calibrachoa Colibri™ Abstract Guava (New)
- Calibrachoa Colibri™ Exotic Purple Bling (New)
- Calibrachoa Colibri™ Exotic Red Bling (New)
- Calibrachoa ‘Ombre Yellow’
- Camassia ‘Blue Melody’
- Candytuft ‘Pink Ice’
- Canna Burgundy Leaves with Red Flowers
- Canna Salmon
- Canna Yellow and Orange
- Cardinal Flower ‘Starship™ Scarlet Bronze
- Carrots Bolero
- Carrots Yellowstone
- Cashmere Bouquet
- Cassia Tree
- Catmint
- Catmint ‘Walker’s Low’ (New)
- Celosia ‘New Look Red’ (New)
- Cestrum (New)
- Chamomile Bodegold
- Chamomile German
- Chamomile Roman
- Chives
- Chives Garlic
- Chrysanthemum ‘Clara Curtis’
- Chrysanthemum ‘Gethsemane Moonlight’
- Chrysanthemum ‘Sheffield Hillside Pink’
- Cigar Plant ‘David Verity’
- Clematis ‘Sweet Autumn’
- Coleus ‘Black Dragon’
- Coleus Gold Lace
- Coleus ‘Fairway Mix’
- Coleus ‘Fairway Ruby’
- Coleus ‘Rainbow Mix’
- Collards Tiger
- Columbine ‘Kirigami™ Deep Blue and White’
- Coneflower ‘Magnus’ (New)
- Coneflower Purple
- Copper Canyon Daisy
- Coreopsis Dwarf ‘Nana’ (New)
- Coreopsis Incredible
- Coreopsis Lanceleaf (New)
- Coreopsis Mouse-Ear
- Creeping Jenny
- Creeping Oxeye (New)
- Crinum
- Crown of Thorns
- Cuban Oregano (Variegated)
- Cucumber National Pickling
- Daisy African ‘Mixed Colors’
- Daisy Shasta
- Daisy Four Nerve
- Desert Mallow – Mix
- Desert Willow ‘Bubba’
- Dogwood Pink Flowering
- Dogwood White Flowering
- Dragon Tree
- Dusty Miller
- Dusty Miller ‘Silver Dust’
- Echinacea ‘Starlight’
- Elephant Ear
- Esperanza
- Esperanza ‘Gold Star’
- Eucalyptus
- Euphorbia ‘Miner’s Merlot’
- Fan Flower ‘Pearl’ (New)
- Fan Flower ‘Topaz Pink’ (New)
- Fern Asparagus
- Fern ‘Blue Star’
- Fern Foxtail
- Fern Macho
- Fern Sword or Boston
- Fig Texas Everbearing
- Firecracker Flower ‘Pink Diamond’
- Firecracker Flower – Purple
- Firecracker Flower – Red
- Flame Acanthus or Hummingbird Bush
- Flame Acanthus ‘Benny’s Gold’
- Four O’Clock Pink
- Gaillardia ‘Mesa Bright Bicolor’
- Gaura ‘Cool Breeze’
- Gaura Large-Flowered
- Gaura ‘The Bride’
- Gaura Lindheimeri Pink, Whirling Butterflies
- Gaura ‘Siskiyou Pink’ (New)
- Gazania ‘Kiss’ Mix (New)
- Ginger Butterfly (Solid Leaf)
- Gladiolus Nanus Mix
- Golden Dewdrop or Brazilian Sky Flower
- Golden Globes Loosestrife
- Golden Thryallis (New)
- Grapes Bunch
- Grapes Bunch Champanel
- Grapes Bunch Hybrid C-30
- Grapes Bunch Lomanto
- Grapes Crimson Seedless
- Grapes Himrod White
- Grapes Miss Blanc
- Grapes Muscadine
- Grapes Muscadine Black Beauty
- Grapes Muscadine Fry Seedless
- Grapes Muscadine Hunt
- Grapes Muscadine Hybrid RazzMatazz®
- Grapes Muscadine Lane
- Grapes Muscadine Magnolia
- Grapes Muscadine Southland
- Grapes Muscadine Sugargate
- Grapes Southern Sensation
- Grapes Victoria Red
- Grass Blue-Eyed
- Grass Dwarf Mondo
- Grass Purple Fountain
- Greens Tatsoi
- Hedgenettle Pink Mint
- Hibiscus ‘Mahogany Splendor’
- Horseherb (New)
- Hosta ‘Francee’
- Hyssop
- Inch Plant (New)
- Iris Louisiana
- Iris Bearded Purple
- Iris Dutch ‘Spring Royalty’ Mix
- Iris Dutch ‘Spring Sparkle’ Mix
- Iris Walking
- Iris Yellow Flag
- Ivy Arrowhead
- Ivy Creeping Fig Variegated
- Ivy Jade Pothos
- Japanese Aucuba ’Gold Dust’
- Jewels of Opar (New)
- Jonquil
- Joseph’s Coat
- Joseph’s Coat ‘Little Ruby’ (New)
- Knotweed ‘Red Dragon’ (New)
- Lamb’s Ear
- Lamb’s Ear ‘Helene Von Stein’
- Lantana
- Lantana ‘Dallas Red’
- Lantana Gem™ Compact Orange Fire
- Lantana ‘New Gold’
- Lantana ‘Trailing Purple’
- Lantana ‘Trailing White’
- Lemongrass
- Lily Candy (Assorted Colors)
- Lily Oxblood or Schoolhouse
- Lobelia ‘Riviera Blue Eyes’ (New)
- Lucky Bamboo
- Magnolia ‘Jane’
- Mexican Hat
- Mexican Hat Prairie Coneflower Yellow
- Mexican Heather
- Mexican Hummingbird Bush (New)
- Mexican Mint Marigold
- Mexican Petunia (Dwarf)
- Mexican Petunia (Tall)
- Milkweed ‘Antelope Horns’
- Milkweed (Butterfly Weed) Orange
- Milkweed (Tropical) ‘Bright Wings’
- Milkweed Tropical or Mexican
- Milkweed ‘Green’
- Milkweed Swamp
- Mistflower Gregg’s
- Mock Orange
- Moss Rose Portulaca ‘Grandiflora Mix’
- Moss Rose Portulaca ‘Samba Purple’
- Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis)
- Muhly Grass Pink
- Nierembergia ‘Starry Eyes’
- Okra Jambalaya
- Onion Candy
- Onion Red Candy
- Onion Red Creole
- Onion Shallot
- Onion Texas Legend
- Oregano Greek
- Oregano Heirloom Italian
- Oxalis Wild Pink
- Palm Majesty
- Pansy Colossus™ Mix
- Pansy Delta™ Mix
- Peach A Belle of Georgia
- Peach Harvester
- Pear Ayers
- Pear Warren
- Peas Top Pick Pinkeye
- Penstemon Showy Desert
- Pentas Lucky Star® ‘Graffiti White’
- Pentas Lucky Star® Mix
- Pentas Lucky Star® Pink
- Peppers Ornamental ‘NuMex Twilight’
- Peppers Early Sunsation
- Peppers Mama Mia Giallo
- Peppers Mama Mia Rosso
- Peppers Tabasco
- Petunia ‘Pink Laura Bush’
- Petunia Pretty Grand™ Midnight (New)
- Phlox Creeping Pink (New)
- Phlox ‘John Fanick’ (New)
- Phlox ‘Louisiana’ (New)
- Pigeonberry
- Plum Santa Rosa
- Plumbago ‘Dark Blue’
- Plumeria
- Pomegranate ‘Wonderful’ (New)
- Portulaca Happy Hour™ Banana
- Portulaca Happy Hour™ Deep Red (New)
- Portulaca Happy Hour™ Peppermint (New)
- Potato German Butterball
- Pride of Barbados
- Primrose White Evening
- Purple Heart
- Rain Lily
- Raspberry Dormanred
- Red Hot Poker ‘Glowstick’
- Rock Rose Brazilian
- Rock Rose Texas
- Rose of Sharon White
- Rose ‘Peggy Martin’
- Rosemary Upright
- Ruellia ‘Katie’ Blue or White (New)
- Sage Blue
- Sage Common
- Sage ‘Mexican Bush’
- Sage Russian
- Sage Russian ‘Blue Jean Baby’
- Sage Scarlet or Texas Sage
- Salvia ‘Augusta Duelberg’
- Salvia ‘Black & Blue’
- Salvia ‘Blue Victory’
- Salvia ‘Coral Nymph’
- Salvia Greggii ‘Coral’ (New)
- Salvia Greggii ‘Lipstick’ (New)
- Salvia Greggii ‘White’ (White Autumn Sage)
- Salvia ‘Henry Duelberg’
- Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ (New)
- Salvia ‘Indigo Spires’
- Salvia Vista™ Mix
- Salvia Vista™ Red
- Santolina (New)
- Sea Holly ‘Blue Glitter’
- Sedum ‘Angelina’
- Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’
- Sedum ‘Red Carpet’ (New)
- Silver Falls (New)
- Skullcap Pink
- Snake Plant (Mother-In-Law’s Tongue)
- Snowdrops
- Society Garlic
- Spearmint
- Spider Lily Red
- Spirea ‘Bridal Wreath’
- Spirea Japanese
- Squash Early Crookneck
- Squash Gentry
- Squash South Anna Butternut
- Squash Sunburst
- Squash Table Ace Acorn
- Squash Tatume Zucchini
- Standing Cypress
- Strawberry ‘Chandler’
- Strobilanthes ‘Persian Shield’
- Stock ‘Katz Pink’
- Sunflower ‘Mammoth’
- Sunflower ‘Sunny Smile’
- Sunpatiens® Compact Orchid Blush (New)
- Sunpatiens® Compact Red (New)
- Sweet Alyssum
- Sweet Flag ‘Ogon’
- Sweet Olive Tree
- Sweet Potato Vine ‘Blackie’
- Sweet Potato Vine Chartreuse
- Sweet Potato Vine Lime
- Sweet Potato Vine Marquerite (New)
- Sweet William
- Texas Betony
- Texas Blazing Star
- Texas Frogfruit
- Texas Mountain Laurel
- Thyme Common or Garden
- Thyme Lemon
- Tomato Brandywine
- Tomato Celebration
- Tomato Cherokee Purple
- Tomato Homestead
- Tomato Roadster
- Tomato Sweetie Cherry
- Tomato Yellow Pear
- Turk’s Cap Red
- Turk’s Cap Pink (New)
- Turnip Purple Top
- Umbrella Plant
- Variegated Ginger ‘Triostar’
- Verbena Brazilian (Standing Verbena)
- Verbena Hybrid Mix
- Verbena Moss
- Verbena Prairie (New)
- Veronica ‘Vernique™ Dark Blue’
- Veronica ‘Whitewater’
- Vinca Cora® XDR Mix (New)
- Vinca Major Variegated
- Vitex (Texas Lilac)
- Walking Onion
- Winecup
- Yarrow White or Yellow
- Yaupon Holly Dwarf
- Yucca Red
- Zinnia