Need a Speaker for your upcoming event?
HCMGA Speakers Network provides quality horticultural and gardening information as a public service. All speakers are Master Gardener volunteers who have completed the Master Gardener certification under the direction of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
HCMGA Speakers are pleased to share their knowledge and experience on a variety of gardening/ horticulture topics and are available to provide a presentation/demonstration to your organization, civic group, school, scout troop, church group, neighborhood association, garden club, home school group, or any group of 10 or more persons. Available presentations include the following:
- What is a Master Gardener?
- Native Plants
- Cut Flower Farming
- Starting Plants from Seeds
- Vegetable Gardening
- Butterfly Gardening
- Keyhole Gardening
- Rain Harvesting & Catchment Systems
- Gardening 101 (How to Get Started)
- How to Build a Raised Bed
- Shade Gardening
- Trees & Tree Care in the Home Landscape
- Pollinators
- Hydroponic Gardening
- Critters and Insects
- Gardener’s Choice (we pick the topic)
Speakers Network Request
Click here to fill out a Speakers Network Request form.
HCMGA offers Speakers Network services at no charge; however, we appreciate donations in support of the educational activities of the Henderson County Master Gardener Association, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.
Please keep in mind:
- We require 30 day notice for any speaker request. Our February – April season is one of high demand, and we recommend that you request speakers as early as possible.
- Programs are 45-60 minutes, including Q&A, and we’re also able to customize them for your group.
- Presentations vary from formal classroom style using a laptop, projector and screen to hands-on demonstrations or a combination of presentation and demonstration.