Please join us as we host our annual El Paso Municipal Rose Garden Open House on April 13th, 2019 from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. We’ll showcase the beauty of nearly 1,500 rose bushes in bloom. After the winter pruning by dedicated El Paso Master Gardeners and Community Volunteers, the rose bushes respond with their prolific spring flush of flowers. While most of the garden’s bushes are repeat-bloomers and will continue blooming until early winter, it is in April when they show their first flowers of spring that the garden seems to be wall-to-wall blooms.
Come to tour the lovely four-acre rose garden with friends and family. We’ll have an Information Table staffed with knowledgeable Master Gardeners ready to answer your garden and landscape questions. Members of the El Paso Rose Society will also be there to answer questions about roses and their organization.
Since 2007, El Paso Master Gardeners have volunteered at the El Paso Municipal Rose Garden as part of an agreement between the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the City of El Paso in cooperation with the El Paso Rose Society. To learn more about how the Master Gardener volunteers work to keep the garden beautiful and to see more photos of the rose garden, go to the Projects»Rose Garden web page. The rose garden is open on most days from March 1st through November 30th from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Photo credit: April at the El Paso Municipal Rose Garden by Marlene Stalker