Take a Look At Us Now!!!
Have you been out to the garden lately? Over the last 2 years we have expanded into our full size, by making some of our raised beds bigger, adding 2 Keyhole Gardens, expanding our container garden area, starting a self-watering container garden section, establishing an asparagus bed and even growing some loofahs!!! Whewww!!!
We have even given tours of our garden and advised other Master Gardener groups and visitors on the gardening techniques we use,
and provided hands on gardening training for EPCC Community Service Learners
In addition to all this cool stuff, over the last 2 years we have amassed thousands of volunteer hours educating our community about good gardening practices,
trained even more Master Gardener Interns,
plus we have donated almost
!!! TONS !!!
of fresh produce to the
El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank!!