Jim Hastings, one of El Paso Master Gardeners’ speakers
El Paso Master Gardeners love gardening and love to share information about gardening. We educate and inform through a variety of activities including a Speakers Bureau.
Our Speakers Bureau features an ever expanding array of gardening topics developed by experienced Master Gardeners using research-based information and resources from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.
Garden clubs, schools, civic groups, service groups and others may call the El Paso Master Gardener Help Desk at (915) 273-3502 to request a speaker and program topic or fill out the request form found below on this page. We can also be contacted by email at elpasomg@ag.tamu.edu. If a topic other than one on the list below is wanted, Speakers Bureau members will make every effort to accommodate the request.
- Spring Gardening
- Taking the Zero Out of Xeriscape
- Basic Tree Care
- Rose Care and the History of the El Paso Rose Garden
- El Paso Area Native Plants
- Growing Tomatoes in El Paso
- Accessible Gardening
- Good Agricultural Practices
- Creating a Butterfly and Hummingbird Habitat
- Composting in the Desert
- Container Gardening
- Using Rocks in Your Landscape
- Using Cactus in Landscapes
- Drip Irrigation Systems
- Emitters Demystified
- Herbs in the Garden and On the Table
- From the Garden to the Grill
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Lawn is Not a Four Letter Word
- Insects or IPM
Speakers Bureau
Complete form to request a Master Gardener speaker.