El Paso Master Gardeners are highly trained volunteers who give back to the community through educational programs and are available to help you with your school gardens. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service training provides them with research-based horticulture information and resources to augment their wide range of experiences in gardening in the El Paso.
They are garden consultants and would be happy to meet with your leadership team to provide you technical assistance in designing your school garden and selecting your plants. Pending availability, they are able to conduct gardening lessons to youth and adult participants. Please note that Master Gardener volunteers are not able to build and/or maintain school gardens.
Please complete this School Garden Form if you would like assistance with your school garden program. Submit it to Denise Rodriguez, the El Paso County Horticulture Extension Agent at drodriguez@ag.tamu.edu.
KTEP Good to Grow radio show with advice, tips and pointers about starting a school garden.