El Paso County Master Gardener
Title: El Paso Master Gardener Volunteer
To extend Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s educational programs in the areas of horticulture, gardening, and small scale food production through the participation of certified Master Gardener volunteers.
Common Volunteer Duties:
Answer horticultural questions and inquiries by telephone, email, and in person at citywide venues such as farmers’ markets, garden and demonstrations. Staff clinics, demonstrations and workshops for the general public on gardening, trees, shrubs, lawns, plants, insects and related topics. Assist with demonstration gardens and other Master Gardener projects.
Cooperate with and assist the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service staff in preparation and production of educational resources.
Keep appropriate records.
Able to participate in an intensive Master Gardener horticulture training program.
Must complete the minimum number of required volunteer hours in the first year after class as set forth in the annual Application letter to be certified as a Texas Master Gardener. Yearly recertification requires a standard number of volunteer hours be completed in addition to a minimum number of continuing education classes.
Following classroom training, must be knowledgeable and skilled in basic ornamental horticulture, gardening, and related areas.
Able to clearly and effectively communicate with the public by telephone, personal and group contact, or through writing and correspondence.
The Executive Committee of the El Paso County Master Gardener Association (EPCMGA) coordinate Master Gardener activities, Committee Chairs, and Project Coordinators. All are ultimately responsible to the El Paso County Extension Horticultural Agent or the County Director. The Agent provides supervision and support, reviews and assesses work, and facilitates in-service training, workspace, telephone, and other necessary items.
You can learn more about the El Paso County Master Gardener program and our history by reading these pages:
How to Become an El Paso County Master Gardener – Brief description of the training program and questions for potential volunteers Link to new page or new URL for page
Application Page– Summary of class schedule. Link to informative letter about the Master Gardener program and Application for the training course
History – History of the Texas Master Gardener program
For more information, you may email [email protected] or call the Extension Office at (915) 273-3502.