August Gardening Tips
Divide spring-flowering plants such as irises, Shasta daisies, gaillardias, cannas, daylilies, and liriope.
Pick dead blooms frequently to encourage your annuals to flower more abundantly.
Check trees to see if any limbs need pruning. Although NOW IS NOT the time to prune, it would be a good idea to mark the limbs to be removed with flagging tape now, while leaves are still on the tree. This will make it easier to know which limbs to prune during the dormant season.
If you notice any leaf yellowing on trees, shrubs or other plants, first check that the plant is getting enough water. If the leaves are yellow with green veins, fertilize with iron according to package directions.
Check to make sure that established plants are well mulched in order to cut down on loss of irrigation water to evaporation.
Continue to check plants for spider mites and hose off with strong jet of water if present.
Make sure that fruit trees are getting plenty of water. Trees that don’t get enough water this summer will have trouble bearing fruit next spring. Pecan trees, which are developing fruit now, need ample irrigation for proper development of this year’s nuts.
Take a critical look at your landscape now, while at the height of summer development. Make notes of how you think it can be better arranged; any plants that need to be replaced; any overgrown plants that need to be pruned in the fall; and any areas that need to be adjusted due to family or pet activities.
Revised 10.16