Postponed due to forecasted inclement weather.
We regret that this Master Gardener Information Table has been postponed. Please check back for a future Information Table at Eastside Discount Nursery.
If you have gardening and landscape questions, please check our website for articles and links to research-based websites on our Learn tab and/or contact our Help Desk or Chat Desk.
The nursery will be open as usual.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Plant questions? El Paso Master Gardeners have the answers. Join us at our Information Table at Eastside Discount Nursery to ask questions and pick up free gardening brochures.
Master Gardeners share gardening knowledge with members of the community who visit our Information Tables at many public events throughout the year. The Information Tables are stocked with a wealth of free publications on growing vegetables, gardening, and landscaping. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service training provides El Paso Master Gardeners with research-based horticultural information and resources to enhance our wide range of experiences in gardening in the El Paso area.
Be on the lookout, too, for the El Paso Gardening Handbook created by the El Paso County Master Gardeners for our area. It addresses El Paso specific gardening concerns and best practices. It provides research-based information and will appeal to both experienced and novice gardeners. We accept cash, checks, and credit cards.
We look forward to talking with you about your gardening concerns and answering your questions.
Photo credit: Master Gardeners’ Information Table (El Paso Master Gardeners Facebook)