Cost: See 19th Annual Spring El Paso Home & Garden Show for ticket information and a discount coupon.
Plant Questions? El Paso County Master Gardeners have the answers. You’ll find them at an Information Table at El Paso’s Home and Garden Show.
Bring your questions to our Information Table, open all three days, where we’ll be happy to help you and share our informative brochures.
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service training provides El Paso County Master Gardeners with research-based horticulture information and resources to augment their wide range of experiences in gardening in the El Paso. Certified Master Gardeners and Master Gardener Interns share that knowledge with members of the community who visit our Information Tables at many public events throughout the year. The Information Tables are stocked with a wealth of free publications on topics ranging from composting to growing roses and tomatoes to landscape planning and design.
Our Kids’ Korner will be open on Saturday and Sunday so plan to bring your children then. They will enjoy gardening activities such as transplanting live plants or planting seeds.