Join us at the region’s largest native plant sale!
The UTEP Centennial Museum and Chihuahuan Desert Gardens will welcome all visitors to a one-day FloraFEST 2022 Native Plant Sale from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (or until we sell out!), Saturday, April 30th, at the UGLC Plaza. During the plant sale visitors can visit with Master Gardeners, horticulturalists, and other plant experts for advice on which plants will do best at their homes. The plant sale will sell mostly native and native-adapted plants (ones that are not native to our region but will grow well here), many of which are not available at local nurseries or retailers.
FloraFEST is the only fundraiser for the maintenance and operation of the Chihuahuan Desert Gardens, and we appreciate your continued support!
Join us for this spring’s FloraFEST Native Plant Sale and take home some of our region’s most beautiful plants. After shopping you might want to take some time to tour the unique and lovely Chihuahuan Desert Gardens.
Visit the FloraFEST website to learn more about the event including parking.
Recommended reading to prepare for shopping at the FloraFEST Native Plant sale*:
Ornamental Plants for Far West Texas – Native trees, shrubs, flowering plants, grasses, and succulents with water-use categories.
Chihuahuan Desert Plants – Hundreds of native plants from the Greater Chihuahuan Desert Region, most with photographs and basic information.
El Paso Desert Blooms Water Smart Landscaping Guide – Helpful interactive website by El Paso Water Utilities (EPWU). See “Plants” for plant lists and guided searches with photos. “Gardens” has options for garden photo “tours” and galleries.
*While plants found on these websites are not guaranteed to be at FloraFEST, they are representative of the types of native and adapted plants you will find.
Map of Centennial Museum area.
For more information contact: Kevin Floyd (
Source credits: The Chihuahuan Desert Gardens at the Centennial Museum and El Paso County Master Gardeners | Learn » Gardening Topics-Links