Hello My Fellow Gardeners.
It has been a while since there has been a post here on the site. I have been busy with my own business and things have gotten a bit busy over the past couple of months, so I was not able to attend to this website for some time….my apologies.
I think I wrote a short while ago about some new gardening techniques that I would be attempting (at least new to me) and one of those was square foot gardening. Over the past month, I have applied this technique with mixed results. I have also decided that I would be starting the majority of my new spring plantings with seeds.
Seeds are cheap and offer the ability to succession plant. They do take time, but from one packet of seed, you can get lots of plants and if you love plants as much as I do, then growing from seed is a very economical way to plant out flower beds with things like petunias, or daisies or whatever. Additionally, seeds can come to the rescue if you’ve lost a plant to either weather, insects or disease. The one thing you need to make sure of is that if you are purchasing seeds, that they come from a reputable source. You will also need to do the research on the type of plant that you’d like to raise from seed – will it grow in your planting zone; will it survive in your heat zone, is it considered invasive? This last is very important so when you’re researching plants look for these key words – “vigorous” and/or “prolific”. If you see these words then know the plant may be a thug and take over your planting scheme.If it says “creeping”, then know that it’s a climber or spreader and if the word “vigorous” appears before “creeping”, then rest assured, you’ll be dealing with a thug which may cause you more headache than joy.
Today I’ve done a short video for you to give you an update on my own gardening – what I’ve been doing, how and sharing a bit of information on things I have in my gardening arsenal.
You can follow this link to see this short video and I hope you find it somewhat interesting.
If you’re interested, here are links to the products discussed:
Insect Netting: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0952YL1XM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Fabric Raised Bed: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B087H6QJ2S/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Until next time Gardeners!
Tara, xx