Nueces Master Gardener, Inc. (NMG) welcomes you to the Learning to Grow (LTG) in-School Garden Program. LTG, in cooperation with Learn Grow Eat Go! (LGEG). The program is designed to provide a complete nutrition, gardening and physical fitness program that intends to promote the importance of healthy lifestyles in school-aged children.
LTG was created by the Nueces County Chapter of Master Gardeners with special thanks to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Nueces County and the 4-H Curriculum Enrichment Series.
The program provides students with the knowledge and skills to better understand the effects of the environment from plant growth through observation. We believe gardening can be incorporated into many facets of learning to encourage healthy eating. This program teaches students about the growing process of the fruits and vegetables they eat. In addition, the program teaches nurturing skills and the value of life. Students are encouraged to keep records of plant growth, environmental conditions and changes that affect the plants in their school garden.
Contact the Master Gardeners via speaker request for a school visit or by email whenever you need help. Master Gardeners will answer questions and/or concerns pertaining to the school garden, from plant damage due to disease, insects and soil conditions to harvesting information. Master Gardeners give direction using the research-based agriculture training they received through the Texas AgriLife Extension Service Master Gardener Program.
Please note – All physical labor needed to maintain the garden must be provided by the adult sponsor and students.
Corpus Christi ISD has been partnered with NMG for several years and has campuses throughout the District enrolled through their Health and Physical Education Department. See the drop down menu for the various campuses enrolled in the LTG. Mr. George Woods is the Curriculum and Instruction Specialist in-charge of the District implementation and management of the program. CCISD campuses should contact him at [email protected]s or 361-271-7859.
If you would like to enroll your School District, read the Guidelines for Participation, then email [email protected] to set up a meeting with your District Office.