The NMG conducts an Annual Plant Sale as a major fundraiser for the organization. It is scheduled for the last week in April, but preparations for the next Plant Sale start immediately after the last sale. This year’s Plant Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 29th from 9:00AM until 2:00PM and will be held at the Jewish Community Center (JCC) located at 750 Everhart Road, Corpus Christi, TX 78411-1906. The event encompasses the inside auditorium, back patio and entire parking park. Over 1000 plants will be available. There will be a Raffle to benefit the NMG Scholarship Program. There will be a Silent Auction, vendors and food trucks. Admission is FREE and open to the public. Proceeds from the Plant Sale go to support the mission of the Nueces Master Gardeners, a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Program. The proceeds from the Raffle are deposited in our Charitable Account and are restricted funds for our various scholarship programs. NMG is a 501(c)3 Non-profit Educational Organization chartered and incorporated in the State of Texas and registered with the IRS and State Controller’s Office.
The Plant Sale has a large variety of plants, scrubs, trees, herbs and succulents at prices below nursery and big-box stores. Yard Art is also available in a wide selection of items. All during the year, members are growing and propagating horticultural items. The Yard Art Subcommittee meets month to work on a variety of projects to product items for the sale.
Through donations, the Raffle and Silent Auction offer a variety of items, e.g., meals. tours, artwork, gift certificates to mention just a few. You don’t need to be present for the Raffle; we will call you to notify you that you have won and can come get your prize. All proceeds from the Raffle go to the NMG Scholarship Program to fund a several different Scholarship Programs offered to local students. The Silent Auction proceeds go to the operational account to support the organization mission. NMG pays NO Salaries. All members are volunteers. and give of the time and talent freely to further the NMG and its many programs. Checkout our sponsor page where you can link to their sites.
Vendors provide a wide array of merchandise that is unique and a great value. Vendors can download a Contract to secure a slot. Slots are provided on a first-come-first-serve basis. For additional information on becoming a vendor, contact Marie Privott, PR and Fundraising Chair at and
Contact Gloria VanZante, Plant Sale Committee Chair for more information or questions on the Plant Sale at
Contact Agnes Hamilton, Yard Art Subcommittee Chair for more information or questions on the Yard Art portion of the Plant Sale or about the Yard Art Workshop at,