Board Meeting: 8:30 a.m – 10:00 a.m.
Social: 10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Program: 10:30 a.m.– 12:00 noon
Presentation: Raising Bees
Joe Hakkinen (Tentative)
Weimar Civic Center
1754 IH-10, Weimar, TX 78962
The presenters will be Howard Nemerov from Bastrop Master Gardeners and Nancy Denmark. They will provide us a hands on demonstration of how to be successful with Native milkweed.
Nancy Denmark runs a large SE Texas garden group:
Considering this will be a rather long class, please consider bringing your own drinks and snacks, if there is something you want to share with others, please do so. Joe Jimenez will provide water and sodas.
Article and photos submitted by Teresa Wilson.
Nancy Galloway explaining the butterfly life cycle.
Students at Citadel Christian School in Brenham, Texas had the opportunity to learn about Monarch butterflies through two educational programs lead by Bluebonnet Master Gardener Assocation member Nancy Galloway, with assistance from Teresa Wilson and Mandy Ames, also Master Gardeners. Both programs were held at the school on Novebmer 6, 2023.
The first program was for students in grades 1 through 4. It featured a detailed display illustrating theMonarch butterfly’s life cycle, from egg to butterfly, along with a live butterfly exhibit. Nancy, clad in signature Monarch orange top with a light brown field vest mimicing the colors of the Monarch, covered aspects of the north and south Monarch migrations, explaining the life cycle and yearly generational patterns.
Nancy Galloway leading class with Mandy Ames looking on.
Students were also given the chance to practice tagging Monarchs for research purposes, using simulated butterflies. In a practical demonstration, Nancy tagged a Monarch she caught earlier that day in her garden, with hopes that it would be found in Mexico, contributing to migration data.
Nancy Galloway talking with the class; Teresa Wilson looking on.
The second presentation was tailored for 10th-grade students who already had some knowledge of Monarchs. Nancy delved into the habits, nutrition, nesting needs, pests, and diseases associated with Monarchs. The class is now planning to create a natural area with milkweed, following Nancy’s recommendations, to establish a Monarch waystation habitat.
Nancy Galloway’s adeptness in adjusting lecture levels to suit the audience made the presentations informative. Teachers at the school also received educational packets to support ongoing learning.
This presentation was part of the Bluebonnet Master Gardener Association’s work to provide garden-related education at the school.
Board Meeting: 8:30 a.m.
General Meeting: 10:30 a.m.
Presentation: Joseph (Joe) & Suzanne Hakkinen. Joe is President of the Bastrop County’s Beekeepers Association. His presentation will highlight how to start and raise bees, the diseases that affect bees and also what plants are suitable for bees. He will most likely bring an enclosed bee container, where the queen is keeping all of the workers busy. For more information about the Texas Beekeepers Association, check out there website:
This meeting will also feature a pot-luck lunch after the presentation. Please bring a favorite dish or dessert to share with your fellow gardeners.
February 21: Garden Stretches: Stop the Ache before you Rake (Michelle Wright, Austin County, CEA)
March 21: Composting (Mary Karish, Waller County Master Gardener)
April 18: TBA
May 16: Orchids
June – August: No Program
September 19: Plumerias (Faye Beery, Bluebonnet Master Gardener)
October 17: Wonderful World of the Honeybee (Tom Shaughnessy, Local Beekeeper)
There’s always something blooming in our native plants garden. Low maintenance and lots of color even in the fall. Texas Lantana, Scarlet Sage, Green-Eyed Daisies, Mealy Blue Sage and Esperanza are still showing off their beautiful flowers. The Chile Pequins are full of peppers and the Yaupon Holly is loaded with beautiful red berries. The garden is open to the public so stop by and see what’s blooming.
This Bluebonnet Master Gardener Association Texas Natives Garden is designed to educate visitors, students and area residents as to the benefits of native plants. The garden shows how native plants, trees and grasses attract bees, butterflies, and birds as well as providing a beautiful display of seasonal color. Water-wise gardening practices are on display as an educational tool to show how rainwater harvesting and a drip irrigation system can be used efficiently.
Link to more information about Lantana urliocides
Find the garden located at:
E.A. Arnim Archives & Museum
101 E. North Main Street
Flatonia, TX 78941
The garden is between the brick and metal buildings on Hwy 95.