Bluebonnet Master Gardener Articles and Recipes
Bluebonnet Master Gardener Resources
Horticulture Video Library
Visit our Horticulture Video Library for these videos:
- Planting Fruit Trees – Presented by Scott Willey, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Agent, Fayette
- Pruning and Thinning Fruit Trees –Presented by Monte Nesbitt, Extension Program Specialist at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
- Planting Tomatoes – Presented by Garry Kroeger, Bluebonnet Master Gardener Assocation
- Raised Bed Gardens – Presented by Garry Kroeger, Bluebonnet Master Gardener Association
- Harvesting Dill Seed – Presented by Christy Schweikhardt, Bluebonnet Master Gardener Association
- Harvesting Coriander Seed – Presented by Christy Schweikhardt, Bluebonnet Master Gardener Association
Advanced Trained Master Gardeners
See Advanced Training Schedule
Master Gardener Advanced Training is offered to certified Master Gardeners. The advanced training courses create a corps of Master Gardeners with specific advanced knowledge which supports or expands specific county educational programs of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service. Topics include:
- Compost
- Earth-Kind®Landscaping
- Entomology
- First Detector
- Fruit Tree & Nut (South Texas)
- Greenhouse Management
- Irrigation Efficiency
- Junior Master Gardener (JMG)
- Plant Propagation
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Texas Superstars®
- Tree Care
- Turf Grass
- Vegetables
To request BMGA speaker at your organization’s event, see our listed of Advanced Trained Master Gardeners.
Texas A&M AgriLife Resources
Fruits & Nuts
Garden Pests & Disease Control
Soil & Compost
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