The BMGA Fruit Tree Pre-Sale is Extended!
If you missed out and did not order your fruit trees in January, the Bluebonnet Master Gardener Association is extending its follow-up sale from the 2019 Multi-County Fruit Tree Management Seminar organized by Texas A&M AgriLife County Extension Agents in Austin, Colorado, Fayette, and Washington Counties. Pre-order fruit trees are now on sale through February 2019.
This sale offers a variety of reasonably priced fruit trees that are specially selected to fit the growing environment in South Central Texas. All selections are in 3-Gallon containers unless otherwise specificed. This sale varieties of :
The tree pick-up location, dates and other information are included on the order form.
Order forms are available at the AgriLife Extension Offices for the four counties and online with the forms below. Please email the order form to by March 1, 2019. Payment will be due at the time of tree pick-up.