A Texas Watershed Steward workshop on the Brushy Creek watershed will be held on Apr. 2 in Round Rock. The free event will be held at Round Rock Utilities, 3400 Sunrise Rd., from 1 p.m.-5 p.m. and is open to anyone interested in improving the region’s water quality. Designed to help watershed residents learn about their water resources and how they may become involved in local watershed protection and management activities. Light refreshments will be provided, and attendees will receive a copy of the Texas Watershed Steward Handbook and are eligible to earn a certificate of completion.
Participants must pre-register by visiting the Texas Watershed Steward website at https://tws.tamu.edu/workshops/registration/ or by calling 979-321-5935.
This program offers CEUs for multiple professional disciplines, the quantity of hours may vary for select disciplines. For more information call 979-321-5935 or visit https://tws.tamu.edu/.