Vegetable Demonstration Garden Report for July 2019
- Donations to The Caring Place. This month will include both harvested and donated items. 799 lbs. harvested and 8 lbs. donated for a grand total for the year of 3656 lbs.
- Plantings for this month include oats and barley ground cover, okra, trial fall tomatoes, brown crowder peas, dimpled brown crowder peas, purple brown crowder peas, cream peas.
- Huge amount of Fall tomatoes planted in both the rows and pots, protected from the summer sun and reported on
- Solarizing of the Cinderblock Bed has begun.
- Sonia and Rick are bringing the Fire Ant Eradication Trial to an end with a report to follow. Ant eradication will continue.
- More Pea Trials are now in the ground and on their way
- Very good update reports on Tomato Trials and Pea Trials received
- Much of the new irrigation line has been laid out to the orchard area
- Continue to ready garden for upcoming trial plantings
- Trees composted, mulched and weeded
- 239 inches of rain for the month Need more.
- A week of “cool” front made for a couple of pleasant weather days in the garden
- Placed much critter fencing
- Had several people visiting the garden with some new to our area.
- Heat, heat and more heat and lack of rain
- Lots of supplemental watering needing to be done
- Rats and rabbits are munching on both new plantings and irrigation lines
- Several leaks in the garden due to rats chewing to get water
- Getting plants removed and rows and beds ready for new plantings on a strict schedule.
- Need to make sure everyone is recording what they plant in their beds.