Who Are the Master Gardeners?
Master Gardeners are volunteers trained by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in research-based horticulture including soils, 2024 conservation, composting, entomology, plant pathology and related subjects. As Williamson County Extension Service volunteers, they give to the community by extending research-based knowledge and providing solutions in one-to-one problem solving, in demonstration gardens, educational programs, and educational materials.
Individuals make application to enter the training. Once accepted into the program, trainees begin a one-year process that begins with a minimum of 50 hours of specialized classroom instruction. Master Gardener interns finish requirements by contributing a minimum of 50 service hours and 15 continuing education hours by year’s end to be then certified as a Master Gardener.
The certification and title are good for one year. To retain certification in Williamson County, Master Gardeners annually contribute a minimum of 40 service hours and acquire 12 hours of continuing education.
Is the Master Gardener Volunteer Program for Me?
- Do I want to learn more about the culture and maintenance of plants?
- Am I eager to participate in a practical and intense training program?
- Do I look forward to sharing my knowledge with people in my community?
- Do I have the time to complete the training and give volunteer service?
If you answered yes to these questions, the Master Gardener program could be for you. If you are a Williamson County resident, we invite you to attend an informational meeting about the Williamson County Master Gardener Volunteer Program. Volunteer applications will be only be available at the informational meetings.
Master Gardener Volunteer Certification Requirements:
- Must be a resident of Williamson County.
- Complete all courses in the Master Gardener Intern Training and pass the final exam with a score of 70%. Classes will be held every Thursday from 1:00-5:00pm for 15 weeks. Start date to be determined.
- Pay $250 class fee (includes training book, class instruction, and class materials).
- Pass a background check.
- Complete 50 hours of volunteer service and 15 hours of continuing education within one year of beginning the program. See Williamson County Management Policy for full details on volunteer hours and continuing education hours.
Informational Sessions:
Informational Sessions will be held at the Extension Office where you can learn more about the Master Gardener Volunteer program, training schedule, and volunteer requirements. You must attend one informational session. Application packets will be available at the informational sessions.
Interest List:
We are making plans for the 2023 Training Class and Informational Sessions. Please sign up on our interest form to receive more information once we set dates for the Informational Sessions.