PRESIDENT: Kathryn Wells Denton Co.
Originally from South Carolina, I moved with my family to north central Texas in 2010 – just in time for one of the coldest winters of record … and one of the hottest, driest subsequent summers of record. Wow! Surprised by the temperature extremes, I quickly turned to native and Texas Superstar© plants for our property, which is a Monarch Waystation and a Certified Wildlife Habitat©.
I have previously served three years on the TMGA Executive Committee as 1st Vice President (2023 – 2024) and 2nd Vice President (2022) and have served seven consecutive years on the Denton County MGA Board as Communications Director (2018), Vice President (2019), President (2020 – 2022), and Past President (2023 – 2024). Among other volunteer positions, I have served six years on the Texas Master Naturalist – Elm Fork Chapter Board of Directors (most recently as President in 2024). I serve as Secretary on the Flower Mound Foundation Board of Directors, and, as a Board member of Native Plant Society of Texas – Trinity Forks Chapter, I chair the Grants Committee and teach Native Landscape Certification Program (NLCP) classes.
My newest and most important position will be “Lovey” to our first grandchild – our daughter’s daughter, expected to make her grand debut in January 2025.

1st VP: Susan Blakey, Collin Co.
As a lifelong North Texas native, I’ve lived in the Dallas Metroplex my entire life. I’m married to my childhood sweetheart, Marvin, and we’re blessed with two sons, two wonderful daughters-in-law, and three delightful grandchildren.
I joined the Collin County Master Gardeners Association (CCMGA) in 2016 and have been actively involved ever since. I’ve served on the CCMGA Executive Board in multiple roles, including Membership Director (current), Administrative Director, President (2019-2020), and Past President. I also serve on the Collin County Horticulture Program Area Committee and am the VMS Administrator for CCMGA.
Throughout my time with CCMGA, I’ve had the privilege of leading several projects, including the Herb Advanced Training and our Training Class for two years. I’ve earned advanced certifications in Greenhouse Management and Herbs and currently work with the Propagation Team to experiment with plants and seeds for our Plant Sale.
Last year, I planted a Cut Flower Garden, which turned out to be a stunning success and a new favorite hobby. Gardening is my true passion, and I take joy in nurturing both a vibrant flower garden and a thriving vegetable garden.
Beyond gardening, I enjoy traveling and have had the opportunity to visit over 20 countries—a blessing that has enriched my life immensely.

2nd VP: Josh Shuster, Hay Co.
I grew up in a small town in west Texas (Fort Stockton). The Trans-Pecos region has its own beauty, and the Big Bend/Davis Mountain areas are only about an hour away. While it is a part of the Chihuahuan Desert, the region has great biodiversity. My interest in gardening and outdoors grew early and became something I developed a passion for early in life. The love grew as I spent summers with my aunt on her ranch in northeast Oklahoma. Over time, gardening and being outdoors continues to be a meaningful way for me to relax while doing something I love…even pulling the weeds (sometimes).
I am a CPA and earned my undergraduate degree from Texas Tech and master’s degree from UT. I spent time in public accounting (corporate tax) with Deloitte and KPMG in Dallas and Chicago. I left public accounting in 2015 to continue in roles as a Controller and head of corporate tax and treasury functions in the software company space. This is how I came back to Austin and Texas.
I completed the Master Gardener program in 2021 and served as the Vice President in 2023 and President in 2024, continuing into 2025, for Hays County Master Gardener Association (“HCMGA”).

SECRETARY: Jane McGowen, Hood Co.
A native of Minneapolis, MN, I moved to Chicago in 1985 and enjoyed a career in travel management and product development, working for Abercrombie & Kent International. My work at A&K focused mainly on travel to Asia, Australia, and the Indian Subcontinent, and in later years, included the addition of Orient Express Trains & Cruises. I have traveled extensively, and with my husband, visited all seven continents and over 70 countries.
In 2006, my husband Ray and I retired to his native Texas, moving to Lake Granbury in Hood County. Realizing that my favorite northern plants would not survive the southern heat, I became a Certified Master Gardener in 2009 and learned about gardening in Texas. In addition to being involved with various Lake Granbury Master Gardener local projects, I have been a TMGA Director for several years and has served as Hood County’s Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer.

TREASURER: Becky Ferrara, Milam Co.
I grew up watching my grandparents grow huge gardens, and my grandmother “rescue” plants, bulbs and seeds from the roadside as well as abandoned, and some “not so abandoned”, homesites throughout my life. The green thumb seemed to have skipped a generation, but I always had the desire to resurrect it, and Master Gardener classes helped me with that endeavor. I became a Certified EMG in 2017, in Milam County, where I have grown in knowledge of all things horticultural, as well as grown some amazing friendships.
A guiding belief throughout my adult life is that when we support something and want to see it prosper, we should donate our time, talents, and treasure as we are able. To this extent, I have served on a multitude of committees as well as the executive board of our local, Little River Basin Master Gardener Association, holding the offices of Corresponding Secretary, 2nd Vice President (VMS Coordinator), President, and currently, Immediate Past President. I also served on the Tax Advisory Committee and the Financial Review Committee for TMGA this past year. In 2017, I attended JMG AT and served as our local JMG Committee Chair until this past year, and still teach JMG, which allows me to join my love of gardening and kids. Additionally, I serve on the Pastoral Council of our church, as well as the board of our Ladies’ society, and volunteer in ministry positions.
A firm believer that we should grow where we are planted, I continually strive to do just that; learning as I grow. Of all the beautiful things I have been a part of growing, the most endearing and wonderful have been our daughter, our son and now our three grandsons. Hoping that my garden of littles continues to grow and flourish.

PAST PRESIDENT: Elisabeth Castro, Montgomery Co.
Elisabeth has been an Extension Master Gardener in Montgomery County since 2014. She joined the board of MCMGA in 2015 as Assistant Treasurer and became President in 2016. She also served on the Plant Sale Committee as the Plant Sale Plants and Publicity Coordinator from 2017 till mid-2020. Since then, she worked in the Greenhouse as a propagator and is responsible for verifying the botanical names of all the plants propagated in the greenhouse. In addition, she is also responsible for the MCMGA website and publishing events as a blog to subscribers regarding plants sales and educational classes. Other duties include being an VMS Administrator for her association.
In 2017 she became the Treasurer of TMGA and served for two terms. She joined the board again in 2020 as Second VP, then First VP, becoming the President in 2023. She continued with a second term as President through 2024.
She inherited her passion for plants from her mother. But it wasn’t until she moved to Dallas, TX that she fell in love with a packaged rose bush from a grocery store. From then she was hooked. She loves roses and began her rose journey by growing mainly Old Garden Roses. She currently has over 100 rose bushes. Her passion for plants did not stop there. Her second love is bulbs. Over the years she has planted hundreds of bulbs and although Texas weather does not always comply with having all her schoolhouse and red and yellow spider lilies bloom, she is happy when a clump decides to shoot up a few naked flower scapes. She is hoping her clump of Hardy Amaryllis (Hippeastrum x Johnsonii) will soon be large enough to share with others. Then, there is that obsession with succulents. Her collection is growing to the point where there is no more room in her greenhouse. If you ask her, there isn’t a plant she does not like, except those pesky weeds that seem to love her garden.
Elisabeth has been a Texas Rose Rustler (TRR) for ten years and currently serves as the TRR Chair. She is also a Consulting Rosarian with the Houston Rose Society.