Monday, July 11th, 6:30 pm
Community Horticultural Education Series, Minnette Marr, Plant Conservationist, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, “Getting up close and personal with the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s Seed Collection Program.”
The LBJ Wildflower Center collects and stores seed from keystone species in the native plant communities of Texas. These seeds are used by research scientists in propagation studies, reintroduction and environmental restoration efforts and safeguarded as a hedge against possible extinction in the wild.
One species of local interest is the Texas Ash tree. In anticipation of the arrival of the emerald ash borer (EAB), which has killed millions of native ashes (Fraxinus spp.) throughout eastern North America, a coordinated effort to collect Texas ash seed is underway. In order to preserve healthy genetic diversity, volunteer citizen seed collection is needed from a variety of the 8 species native to Texas.
Ms. Marr will also discuss her involvement in the Seeds of Success national program established in 2001. Seeds of Success partners share common protocols, coordinate seed collecting and species targeting efforts. Collected materials are used for research and portions held in long-term storage for conservation.
Also of interest to Ms. Marr is Comanche Peak prairie clover. Seed from this plant is needed for conservation efforts. Anyone having knowledge of where this seed can be collected is encouraged to contact program chairperson Sandra Skrei at so a collection strategy can be arranged. A field trip led by Ms. Marr is being planned. Details to be released soon on the websites of Somervell County Master Gardeners and Prairie Rose Chapter, Native Plant Society of Texas.
The public is invited to attend at no charge. Citizen Center, 209 SW Barnard,in Glen Rose, just off the square
(Preceded by Prairie Rose native plant review at 6PM)