The Tyler Rose Garden is well known throughout the nation. The IDEA Garden is located in the Southeast corner of that garden with the goal to inspire the visitor to “Innovate, Demonstrate, Educate & Apply” good gardening practices.
Garden Brochures
The IDEA Garden brochure provides information about the garden and what to expect when you visit the garden. Check it out – IDEA Garden brochure For further helpful information check out the following brochures:
Any of these brochures may be downloaded and printed for future reference.
The IDEA Garden is a an official Monarch Watch Waystation, certified on July 13, 2006.
Texas Superstars in the IDEA Garden
Texas Superstars plants found in the garden include: Coleus Plum Parfait and Burgundy Sun, Texas Gold Columbine, Gold Star Esperanza, Hamelia Firebush, Flare Hibiscus, New Gold Lantana, Purple Trailing Lantana, John Fanick Phlox, Imperial Blue Plumbago, Shantung Maple, Warren’s Red Possumhaw (Deciduous Holly), Tidal Wave Cherry and Silver petunias, Laura Bush petunia, Dwarf Ruellia, Belinda’s Dream rose, Marie Daly rose, Mexican Bush Sage, Henry Duelburg Salvia, and Variegated Tapioca. Visit the Texas Superstars site to see the entire list of the stars.