Smith County Master Gardener Association Awards for 2023
MG of the Year, Achievement: Andie Rathbone
MG of the Year, Hours: MJ Madden
Intern of the Year, Achievement: Julie O Brien
Intern of the Year, Hours: Kimberly Smith
Intern of the Year, CE’s: Jackie Thomason
President’s Award: Belinda Kromer
Agent’s Award: Brenda Strong
Project of the Year: Bulbs to Blooms (Lenka Johnson, Jolana Damkroger, Morgan Wood, Brenda Strong)
New Initiative: Lynn McGinnis
Public Awareness: Morgan Wood
Research & Development: Katy Barone, Dana Anderson (Shade Garden)
Golden Work Glove: Laurie Graham, Cindy Herrington (IDEA)
No Problem: Gary Gardener
Helping Hand: Janet Burns
Friends of SCMGA: Chris Wiesinger/ Southern Bulb Co., Marilyn Tanner, Texas Organics/ Diane Frieschen
Certificates of Appreciation: Marlyn Waddleton, Linda Gurasich, Navye Cummings, Heather Stephens, Ruth York, Yvonne Hogan, Cheryl Chester
Milestone Awards:
15 years – David Gary, Hazel Bateman
20 Years – Craig Reiland
25 Years – Brenda Strong
Volunteer Hours Achievement, 1st Year Master Gardeners:
Bronze Level – Gary Gardner, Libby Sanson
Master Gardener Volunteer Hours Achievement:
Bronze Level – Dana Anderson, Betty Atchley, Katy Barone, Betsy Browder, Henry Burch, Mary Cantrell, Cris Cochran, Navye Cummings, Jolana Damkroger, Wayne Elliott, Sara Emry-Arthur, Daniel Gerber, Linda Gurasich, Cindy Harrington, Colleen Huntsberger, Brooks Kerr, Shirley Long, Victor Long, Sherri Matthews, Mary Beth McCown, Lynn Mc Ginnis, Linda Munn, Anne Pattullo, Denise Rascos, Lynette Sewell, Chris Steavenson, Heather Stephens, Becky Wade, Dale Wade, Debby Watkins
Silver Level – Gail Bean, Janie Fowler, Martha Fowler, Terri Gerber, Laurie Graham, Lenka Johnson, Andie Rathbone, Cynthia Siegel, Brenda Strong, Debbie Taylor
Gold Level – MJ Madden, Belinda Kromer, Elizabeth Waldrop
Smith County Master Gardener Association Awards for 2022
Each year at its April luncheon, our local Smith County Master Gardeners Association awards are presented to Master Gardeners for special achievement during the previous year. These 2021 SCMGA Awards reflect the hard work and dedication by our members. Congratulations to each and every Smith County Master Gardener member. (note: 2022 awards were announced in April of 2023)
Master Gardener of the Year (Achievement): award to a Smith County Master Gardener who is involved in at least two activities, programs or projects with educational value/benefits for the community.
Elizabeth Waldrop -for her love and dedication to SCMGA with emphasis on teaching and sharing her gardening expertise in every event and workshop, in the succulent garden of the IDEA Garden, and many speaking events all over this community. Her education leadership for all programs, activities, projects and speaking events for the entire community in 2022 is the definition of this award.
Master Gardener of the Year (Hours): awarded to the certified Master Gardener with the highest number of reported hours working on approved Master Gardener projects during the previous calendar year.
Mary Jo Madden – with 1041 total volunteer hours managing and manning SCMGA Helpdesk, working in the Heritage Garden, the Blooms to Bulbs Project, publishing the Grapevine monthly, serving as Parliamentarian and so much more.
Intern of the Year (Achievement): awarded to the Intern who shows the most initiative, leadership and/or above average involvement. Award year will run from April 1 to March 31 following graduation from Master Gardener class.
Maggie Taliaferro – for exceptional efforts in volunteering, assisting and creatively contributing in all areas of our Master Gardening program including the gardens of the TBG, East Texas State Fair, Bulbs to Blooms and for serving on a new project in 2022 as Chair for our Book Project.
Intern of the Year (Hours): awarded to the Intern with the highest number of reported volunteer hours working on approved Smith County Master Gardener projects. For Class 28 , the Award year will run from September 1,2021 to March 31, 2022.
Dale Wade – with over ??? hours of outstanding volunteer efforts in SCMGA projects, events, the gardens of the TBG and serving as Co-Chair for Speakers Bureau.
(waiting on final hours for that number)
Lifetime Awards: awarded based on fulfilling criteria set in Policy 1009, Membership.
Ann Smith – for timeless dedication in all areas of SCMGA since her certification with Class 11 in 2005. For 8 years she directly shaped the New Master Gardener classes as the SCMG in charge of planning and executing classroom set up, materials, in-room schedules and personnel issues. At the same time, for 10 years, she served as the Membership and Volunteer Coordinator for the organization. In addition, she volunteered many hours in other projects such as the Bulb Sale and East Texas Fair, always willing to help where needed.
David Gary– from Class 14, certified in 2008, he is a past President and has served in many leadership roles on the board of directors for SCMGA and various committees and projects. He is an avid volunteer speaker at events all over the state and frequently speaks at the Dallas Arboretum. He is an incredible ambassador for the program and he continues his mission to spread the word on gardening!
Kathy Ballow – from Class 2, certified in 1996, Kathy is the longest serving active member in SCMGA. For 26 years she has regularly volunteered for projects and programs including the ET State Fair, Home Garden Tour, our TBG Gardens, Bulbs to Blooms Sale, Helpdesk, Conferences, Main Street Flower Market, and special projects as they happened. She also faithfully attended educational events such as the Monthly Membership Meetings, Library Series, workshops, and even educational events in surrounding counties. Her commitment is such that she did this while living in Henderson, and has logged 2246 miles since 2018 in order to fulfill her obligation to SCMGA. Kathy is truly the kind of reliable, consistent, involved volunteer who is the very backbone of any volunteer organization.
Project of the Year: awarded to the coordinator(s) of the project based on the educational value and impact/benefit to the community. May be an ongoing project, but the award will be based on the accomplishments of the award year.
Nature Detective Camp – Led by Katy Barone, the camp was the first of its kind that is destined to continue with a staff of dedicated Master Gardener teachers and assistants to facilitate the education of future gardeners to save our earth!
Public Awareness and Education: awarded to recognize exceptional efforts in, but not limited to the following areas: Publicity (print and media) and Social Media.
Lynn McGinnis – for her incredible success as Leader of the Communication and Technology Organization standardizing our methods for reaching the public with technology and other media, soliciting sponsorships for events and organizing the SCMGA organization in the wide world of media and advertisement.
Social Media Award:
Stephanie Osborn – for developing the newly formed Development Committee with fresh ideas, plans and expansions of SCMGA social media platforms into new areas of exposure for the education of our community.
No Problem Award: awarded for willingness to lend a helping hand with projects whenever asked.
Laurie Graham – for dedication to all areas of SCMGA including but not limited to the IDEA Garden, the East Texas State Fair, Bulbs to Blooms, and any area where extra help is needed and always with a smile.
Helping Hand Award: awarded for willingness to lend a helping hand with projects whenever asked.
Lyn Benson – for taking on the position of the organization’s videographer and photographer for every event from the gardens to special community events like the Library Series, workshops and photos for the directory. She is always there with camera in hand!
Friend of the Master Gardener: awarded to an individual, company or business organization outside of the SCMG organization, who has provided money, facilities, advertising, publicity, and/or other kinds of support during the previous year.
CBS 19 – for inviting SCMGA to partner in hosting a weekly noon television program, “Mastering Your Garden”, with mini sessions taught by our own member volunteers.
Amanda Southard – for continuous support and care of our SCMGA program performing acts of true love any time any Master Gardener needs help, greeting us all with cheer and “sunshine”!
New Initiative Award: awarded to recognize new programs/projects that are successful, innovative and meet the criteria of Project of the Year.
Andie Rathbone – for eagerly volunteering to lead the new CBS 19 weekly noon gardening programs with leadership that included creating a schedule for weekly programs for a full year, training for those participating and managing the weekly appearances while staying in constant contact with the television station.
Golden Work Glove Award: awarded to recognize a master gardener for their hard work in the demonstration gardens above and beyond the normal volunteer requirements.
Debbie Taylor – for her leadership, teaching, managing the supplies of the greenhouse, constantly monitoring the greenhouse environment and providing creative ways to share the value of the greenhouse with the community.
Certificate of Appreciation: awarded to recognize help with a specific project or task.
Jeff Brown – for his dedication to the organization that includes maintaining, repairing and troubleshooting sprinkler system issues in all gardens of the TBG, repairs to the fountain in the Shade Garden, driving a frontend loader to spread crushed granite in the Shade Garden and removing weather kill of large plants and trees.
Martha Fowler – for her continuous dedication to our IDEA Garden, Overton, the Bulbs to Blooms Sale and so much more. She never stops learning and never stops contributing to our programs!
Terri Gerber – for her dedication and excessive hours as our treasurer and for serving as Conference Chair for the very successful SuperStar Advanced Training Conference.
Janie Fowler – for her dedication to the SCMGA Intern Program managing and encouraging Interns to complete their hours for certification in a timely manner with compassionate leadership.
President’s Award: awarded by the past president to an individual deemed to have been instrumental in assisting the past president during his/her term of office.
Mary Hamlin – for her dedication to SCMGA as a consistent, caring resource, answering last minute questions, providing historical data, responding to all things VMS and so much more but all of which provided invaluable support for 2022 President, Belinda Kromer, throughout 2022!
Agent’s Award: Awarded by the County Horticulture Agent for going above and beyond the call of duty in helping the agent meet his objectives.
Belinda Kromer comes from GREG
Milestone Awards: years of service in 5 year increments beginning with 15 years!
Harvey Collen – for 15 years of service as a Master Gardener. Harvey was certified with Class 13 in 2007.
Deborah Golden – for 15 years of service as a Master Gardener. Deborah was certified with Class 13 in 2007.
Cindy Harrington – for 15 years of service as a Master Gardener. Cindy was certified with Class 13 in 2007.
Jan Moch – for 15 years of service as a Master Gardener. Jan was certified with Class 13 in 2007.
Jack Quisenberry – for 20 years of service as a Master Gardener. Jack was certified with Class 8 in 2002.
Linda Scoggin – for 25 years of service as a Master Gardener. Linda was certified with Class 3 in 1997. With great pride, we honor her today!
Texas Master Gardener Association Awards for 2022
The following are the awards that Smith County Master Gardener Association received at the Texas Master Gardener Search for Excellence Awards Program in the Large Category (100-199). These awards reflect the hard work and quick adaptation of SCMGA despite COVID-19 throwing a wrench into every program. It proves there was nothing we couldn’t handle in 2021. We not only continued our mission of education, but also supported the public at a time when gardening interest took a large increase because of so many people being home. Congratulations to each and every Smith County Master Gardener and the AgriLife staff who gave us so much support. These awards are for all of us!
Youth (Other – non-Jr. MG)
2nd Place Nature Detective Camp
Workshop / Presentation
1st Place – Adult Summer Workshop
Written/Recorded Education
2nd Place – “Master Your Garden” CBS19 TV SPOTS
3rd Place – East Texas Ornamental Plant Tests at Overton
Outstanding Master Gardener
1st Place -Elizabeth Waldrup
Outstanding Master Gardener Association
2nd Place – Smith County Master Gardeners