Founded in 2010 with about a dozen members, SJC Master Gardeners is now 13 years old and has grown to include members from across San Jacinto and Polk Countys. Our members are involved in a variety of projects that serve a wide geography and diverse communites.
Here’s a current list of our active projects and the organizations partner with:
- Gardens of Coldspring Community Center: This is our baby, from first plant to the current garden which features pollinator plants, native plants, container-grown vegetables free to the community, and more. It is our demonstration garden.
- Annual Member Propagated Plant Sale & Expo: This growing event, held in October, features hundreds of proven native and naturalized plants for our region, grown my SJC Members.
- Junior Master Gardeners: Click the link to learn more about this project that occupies many of our members, working with Coldspring/Oakhurst elementary students
- Onalaska Community Garden: Several Polk County members began this project in 2020, during the pandemic, and are now supported by our chapter. It is providing food for the community and examples of good gardening principles for the nearby schools
- Friends of Lake Livingston: Since its beginning in 2014, our chapter has helped with propagation of plants, lake plantings, and serving food to volunteers. We continue to support this ecologically important project with volunteers.
- San Jacinto AgriLife: AgriLife Agent Michelle Moss is our chapter sponsor so we work closely with her to offer gardening and horticulture support to the Extension and volunteers for Extension community activities including: Ag In the Classroom, Summer Camp, and County Employee Thank You Events