The first Master Gardener training class in San Jacinto County was held in the fall of 2010 with 25 interns. Once graduated, the newly certified members formed received a charter for SJC Master Gardeners (SJCMG), part of the Texas Master Gardener program sanctioned by the Texas A & M AgriLife Extension Service. Initially, SJCMG members were all from San Jacinto County, but as word quickly spread among serious gardeners, members joined from nearby Polk County.
As certified Master Gardeners, we’ve all completed 50 hours of classroom education and 50 hours of community volunteer service. We share our passion, training, and expertise in horticulture with surrounding local communities and in Junior Master Gardener classes for elementary school children.
Initial trainees who completed their educational and volunteer hours attended the first organizational meeting November 10, 2010. “A Plan for Success” was developed by the inaugural 25 paid members, including a Mission Statement, bylaws, policies and procedures, and a website.
Now 13 years later and after Zooming for 2 years of Covid, five additional Texas Master Gardener classes in 2011, 2013, 2016, 2018, and 2022 have grown our Chapter to nearly 50 members. Our sixth, and possibly largest, class is set for late Summer 2023.
Classes are delivered by professors and specialists from Texas A&M, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Lee College – Horticulture, Steven F. Austin University, Sam Houston State University, industry experts and our own member specialists.
Each year, SJCMG supports the San Jacinto County AgriLife Extension by providing educational programs for Ag in the Classroom and Kids Summer Camp Days, and special service to San Jacinto County workers for annual meetings and holidays.
(Updated July 2023)