The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and the Harris County Master Gardeners are pleased to offer monthly lectures on various horticultural topics of interest while getting to know your county volunteers. At 11am, the Harris County Master Gardener meeting will cover volunteer updates. The monthly speaker will start at 11:30am each month.
We invite the public to attend these meetings to hear from gardening experts, volunteers, and AgriLife Extension Agents and specialists.
First Tuesday Monthly Lectures
Trini Mendenhall Community Center
1414 Wirt Road
Houston, TX 77055
First Tuesday of each month.
11:00 am
January 9th (2nd Tues)
“Citrus Problems”
Janis Teas
February 6th
“Native Plants to the Rescue”
Jaime Gonzalez
Community & Equitable Conservation
Program Director
The Nature Conservancy in Texas
March 12th (2nd Tuesday due Election)
“2023 Master Gardener Program Review”
Harris County Horticulture Agents
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
April 2nd
No lecture this date
Annual Awards Luncheon for
Harris County Master Gardeners
May 7th
“Heirloom Bulbs”
Jay White
Publisher for Texas Gardener Magazine
June 4th
July 2nd
“Clay Pot Irrigation”
Dr. Jean Fefer
Retired Harris County Master Gardener
August 6th
“Mycorrhizal Fungi”
Dr. Lisa Morano
Professor of Biology and Microbiology
Director, Center for Urban Agriculture and
Sustainability Natural Sciences
University of Downtown
September 3rd
“12 Gardening & Landscaping Mistakes”
Skip Richter
Retired AgriLife Horticulture Agent and GardenLine host
October 1st
“New Earth-Kind Roses are Coming in 2025!”
Paul Winski
Green Industry Program Specialist
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
November 5th
“Dried Plants Workshop: Teas, Spice, & Floral Arrangements”
hosted at Master Gardener Demonstration Gardens, Genoa Friendship Gardens
December 3rd
“Girl on the Grow”
Janice Brown, Founder