Learn about what the different AgriLife programs are looking forward to in 2025.
Choose the best veggies, prepare soil, start seeds & use natural pest control for homegrown produce. Free Virtual Lecture hosted by Houston Community College. Register in advance to receive link.
Choose the best veggies, prepare soil, start seeds & use natural pest control for homegrown produce. Free Virtual Lecture hosted by Houston Community College. Register in advance to receive link: hcc.idloom.events/gardening-series/register
Learn how to get your spring vegetable garden started and see how easy it is to grow your own tasty vegetables.
Learn about the Texas Superstar program and how these specially selected plants can make a difference in the success of your garden.
Spring. Learn about water quality management and how you can become involved in improving and maintaining the quality of local waterways. Free & CEUs available. Preregister at tws.tamu.edu/workshops/registration
Learn about selecting and caring for fruit trees in Houston from an expert on the topic, Dr. Monte Nesbitt of Texas A&M. Tree sale to follow at 9am.
class on citrus growing by Dr. Nesbitt of Texas A&M. A wide variety of fruit trees, berries, tomatoes & peppers available. For the best selection, pre- order online Feb 3-13, for easy pick-up on sale day. txmg.org/hcmga/shop
Choose the best veggies, prepare soil, start seeds & use natural pest control for homegrown produce. Free Virtual Lecture hosted by Harris County Public Library via Facebook Live. No reservation required: facebook.com/harriscountypl/events
Houston. We will discuss the many benefits of planting native plants in our gardens. Where we can find them and how we can make a positive impact in our own ecosystem.
Houston. We will discuss the many positive benefits of creating an ecosystem in your garden.
Learn the best practices on how, when, where and why to grow herbs in the Houston area.