Each year our members volunteer their time to promote our mission of providing our members and the community with information on good gardening practices. Last year we volunteered over 3,300 hours of service. Some of the ways Concho Valley Master Gardeners volunteer are:
- host educational events,
- propagate plants for our annual plant sale which provides most of the funding for our organization,
- provide informational booths at community events,
- develop and maintain demonstration gardens,
- provide programs for community events,
- provide scholarships and gardening grants,
- reward good practices with a landscape of the month award and
- collaborate with other non-profits and government agencies to educate gardeners and to beautify the Concho Valley.
We have several Master Gardeners who have received specialist training. Some of the topics are rainwater harvesting, square foot gardening, Junior Master Gardeners and Texas superstar plants. When their schedules permit, they are available to give presentations.
Check our events calendar for upcoming events or leave a message if you have questions about an event, scholarship, grant or need a speaker. You can contact the Tom Green AgriLife office at (325) 659-6522.