Victoria Educational Gardens are open every day from dawn to dusk and are FREE to visit. We are located at 333 Bachelor Drive, Victoria, TX
You can find many areas of the garden are appropriate for young children to adults. As you enter the Garden Gate across from the control tower at Victoria Regional Airport, you find 4 sections of the Children’s Garden.
You will also find Butterfly Haven and a Veggie and Fruit Area. We have a super Composting Area also on the west side of the gardens by the Greenhouse and Storage area and patio. There are many structures suitable for sitting and enjoying the views and fragrances. PLEASE come visit!
On the east side of the Officer’s Club there are various Mini Gardens incorporated throughout our main feature which is the Tropical Pond Ecosystem. Find info about Mini Gardens HERE.
Extension Agent, Matt Bochat, created this Victoria Educational Gardens video in April of 2020. Enjoy!!
Matt Bochat also discusses Basic Backyard Gardening in this video. Our VEGGIE Area of VEG also has a large keyhole garden on display. Come see seasonal cool or warm veggies during their season.
VCMGA Members were work in the gardens and greenhouse every Monday and Thursday Morning. You are welcome to come visit with master gardeners with gardening questions you might have!
Bring you CAMERAS and let us see your photos at Victoria Educational Gardens on Facebook.

Tours – Contact Shelby Anderson for children’s tours, adult tours, garden club tours, or special tours for educational purposes.

Email Shelby Anderson at
Call Shelby Anderson @ 361-218-7181
History of VEG
Pondbuilding Galleries: Photos from 2007 Gallery 01 Gallery 02 Gallery 03