Roses at Victoria Educational Gardens
Rosa ‘Peggy Martin’ also known as the “Hurricane Katrina Rose”
Antique “old garden” roses are seeing a rebirth in landscapes. The historic interest, color, fragrance, and form make them indispensable. There are two sections in the garden devoted to antique roses – one inside the fenced area and another outside the fenced area (by greenhouse).
By the Greenhouse, see Peggy Martin (dark pink Found climber), Highway 290 Pink Buttons (pink Found), Caldwell Pink (double pink Found), & Green Rose (green China).
In the inside bed, see Cramoisi Superieur (red China) in the back row as well as Mrs. Dudley Cross (yellow/pink Tea), Buff Beauty (apricot Hybrid Musk), Zephirine Drouhin (thornless cerise pink Bourbon climber), La Marne (pink/white Polyantha), & Red Cascade (dark red Miniature climber). Front row includes , Highway 290 Pink Buttons (double pink Found), Souvenir de St. Anne’s (light pink Bourbon), Rose de Rescht (pink), Odee Pink (pink Found), Souvenir de la Malmaison (pale pink Bourbon), and Old Blush (lilac pink China). Middle row has Baronne Prevost (pink Hybrid Perpetual), Reine des Violettes (mauve Hybrid Perpetual), Martha Gonzales (red China), and Mutabilis (yellow, orange, pink, & crimson China). By October 2023, a new addition will be Archduke Charles (red blend China, sport of Old Blush). Mrs. Dudley Cross and Blumenschmidt have been added to the Antique Rose Section.
When planting, add decomposed organic material to the bed to ensure healthy conditions as a rose matures. Give young roses a good soaking every 5-7 days during drought conditions. In winter, keep water off leaves. Heavy pruning is not recommended. If the rose is a once-a-year bloomer, prune only after it has bloomed as it blooms from wood hardened over the winter. For repeat bloomers, prune no more than a third. Remove dead or unwanted canes as needed.
Antique roses are DISEASE-RESISTANT but not disease free. The difference is that none of the fungus diseases are debilitating. Antique roses generally shed infected leaves, continuing to grow and bloom with healthy vigor. Stringent and careful pruning not needed. Commercial rose food and organic fertilizers produce good results. Mulch several inches to prevent water and heat/cold stress.
China and Tea roses make good hedges (example La Marne). Plant a double row or stagger in a zig-zag pattern. Insects rarely affect antique roses and when they do appear, a good spray of insecticidal soap is usually all that is required.
Contributed by Marie Graham, Chair Rose Beds, 2023

Archduke Charles planted Nov 5, 2023

Antique Rose ‘Martha Gonzales’

‘Climbing Pinkie’ – Front Entrance on Arbor
‘Speedy Gonzales’ – Front of Pavilion climbing on fence
‘Winter Sunset’ – Front of Pavilion at right corner
‘Pink Drift’ – Sensory Area near Children’s Area Pond
‘Climbing Cramoisi Superieur’ – End of Rose Arbor by Patio
‘Aimee Vibert’ – Rose Arbor
‘Peggy Martin’ – Rose Arbor
‘Trier’ – Rose Arbor
Lamarque – Rose Arbor
‘Prosperity’ – In Heirloom Area by Rose Arbor
‘Louis Philippe’ – In Heirloom Area by Rose Arbor

‘Don Juan’ – End of Rose Arbor by Tropical Rainwater Water Collection
‘Belinda’s Dream’ – Texas Superstar Area – Read About
‘Grandma’s Yellow Rose’ – Texas Superstar Area – Read About
‘Red Knock Out’ – Texas Superstar Area – Read About
‘Marie Daly’ – Texas Superstar Area – Read About
SEE pdf of 35 Roses at VEG and their locations and information. Thanks to Marie Graham!