Rainwater Harvesting
Rain Barrels & Gardens
Water Conservation & Incentives
With the state’s growing population and limited supply of both groundwater and surface water, Texans must use water wisely. Rainwater harvesting is an innovative approach anyone can use.
Rainwater Harvesting: What Is It?
Capture, divert and store it for later use. In many communities, 30 to 50 percent of the total water consumption is used for landscape irrigation.
Informational PDF’s Relating To Rainwater Harvesting:
Rainwater is easy to harvest using rain barrels. It saves money and plants love it!
Informational PDF’s Related to Rain Barrels:
How to make a Rain Barrel – (English) – (PDF)
How to make a Rain Barrel – (Spanish) – (PDF)
Saving From a Rainy Day (PDF)
Rainwater Harvesting with Rain Barrels – Take Care of Texas (PDF)
Painting your Rain Barrel (PDF)
Covering your Rain Barrel with Wood Slats (PDF)
Informational Videos:
How to Make a Rain Barrel
Rainwater Capture Video
A rain garden is a constructed depression designed to capture rainwater from roofs, sidewalks and driveways. Rain gardens provide a way to slow down and soak up excess rainwater allowing water to infiltrate into the ground recharging our aquifers. Rain gardens can be planted with a variety of vegetation that not only enhances landscape but also provides a habitat for birds and butterflies.
nformational PDF’s Related To Rain Gardens:
Rain Gardens – Harris Co. Master Gardeners (PDF)
Rain Gardens – Texas A&M AgriLife (PDF)
Storm Water Management – Rain Gardens (PDF 20 pages)
Tree Watering Tips Video:
Cycle-soak method of watering lawns video:
An adequate supply of high quality water has become a critical issue for the future prosperity of Texas. Booming populations have increased the demand on the state’s already limited supply of high quality water. In addition, seasonal fluctuations in rainfall and periodic droughts have created a feast-to-famine cycle in Texas. In the summer months outdoor water accounts for 60-80% of home water use. Using water more efficiently will not only save money, but also help protect the quality of life and the future of Texas.
Informational PDFS Related To Water Conservation:
Water My Yard (A program tool to assist you in determining the amount of supplemental water that is needed to maintain a healthy lawn)
Irrigation Watering Recommendations (based on weather as well as current and average evapotranspiration rate)
Conserving Water Outdoors (PDF)
Mulch Saves Water (PDF)
Water Conservation (PDF) (Seven basic Earth-Kind landscaping practices that lead to saving water)
Dual Flush Toilets (PDF)
Texas Water Resources Institute
The Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District offer rebates to residents that install a rain barrel to capture rainwater runoff.
Informational PDF’s Related To Brazos County Water Wise Incentives:
Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District Rain Barrel Rebate Application (PDF)