The AgriLife Extension office is the face of the Texas AgriLife Extension service in Wood County. The goal of the associated Texas Master Gardeners is to educate, enhance, and beautify their local community. The Wood County Master Gardeners are dedicated to using the Extension office gardens to educate the public and demonstrate gardening techniques.
The 2016 Master Gardener class was the first to put into practice what they learned by updating the Texas AgriLife Extension office landscape. The project lead was Andrea Sullivan. The team for the east wall bed was Gwen Fleishman, Larry Fleishman, Laurie Fisher, Melodee Eishen, and Tracie Justice. The highway bed improvement team was Gayle Mullinax, Tracey Snow Murphy, Joyce Tullis, Leo Fisher, and Marcia Upton. The north bed under the Extension office sign was improved by Brandi Patterson and Suzette Neal.
By the Master Gardener class of 2019, the Extension office beds needed refreshing. So, the class chose the challenge as their class project. They improved the landscape by creating attention-getting flower beds using cattle troughs, donated rocks, mulch, and a lot of hard work. The team working on the project included Melodee Eishen, Debbie Latham, Elaine Hall, Extension Agent Shaniqua Davis, Sandy Hayden, Janet Judkins, Bev Ray, and Victoria Settle.
The Master Gardener class of 2020 refreshed the landscaping and added a compost pile that Carolyn West uses to teach composting to the public and fellow Master Gardeners. Nancy McDonald and her husband created two self-irrigating planters (SIP) that beautify the entry to the office. Nancy taught a class about SIP containers at the 2022 Education series.
The Master Gardener class of 2022 has plans to add a demonstration raised bed garden in addition to other improvements.