The Somervell County Master Gardeners would like to extend a heart felt thank you for a very successful 2022 Spring Plant Sale. Even before the day of the sale, the local merchants were so generous to allow us to post flyers advertising our event. Thank you so much! We are also very grateful to the Glen Rose Methodist Church for allowing us to transform their parking lot into a plant nursery for the day! It is said the most important thing when trying to sell is location, location, location, and we had the best! A huge thank you to the Somervell County Sheriffs who spent time the night before the sale patrolling the site and ensuring everything, including some of our members, were safe and undisturbed. Hats off to you! If you attended the sale you were sure to notice the excellent service of the Somervell County 4-H kids. They gave up some of their free time to assist the Master Gardeners and the shoppers. You all went above and beyond, and we were so happy to hear so much positive feedback! Of course, great kids come from great families and leaders, so thank you to Jana Reynolds and the 4-H families. You have reason to be proud. We were also fortunate to have help and support from two of Tarrant County’s finest Master Gardeners, Margaret Shuping and Avice Ward, who worked the “Ask a Master Gardener” booth. And, last but certainly not least a big SCMG thank you to our customers! We hope you enjoyed the morning as much as we did.