by Julie Conner, Somervell County Master Gardener
Winter is a great time to amend the soil in your garden and raised beds. As all my fellow club members know I own and ride horses, so I have ready access to their generous by product: manure. Horse manure has a slightly higher nutritional value than cow manure and can give your plants nitrogen, phosphate and potassium for a healthy start.
Do not use fresh manure as it can burn plant roots. So aging the manure or compost for 2 to 3 months is recommended. Composting horse manure also helps kill the weed seeds and any harmful bacteria that may be present. Other organic materials can be added for extra nutrition. Turn frequently and add enough water to keep pile moist. Covering with a tarp can retain moisture and heat. When ready the horse manure will look and smell like soil. Horse manure is very humus rich and helps with soil aeration and drainage.
Pepper, Princess and Breezy are always ready and willing to help amend my soil, so if you would like a bag of horse…. manure to jump start your garden just see one of us. Happy Trails.