Lunch-N-Learn Austin County
AgriLife Extension Office - Austin County 800 E. Wendt St., Bellville, TX, United StatesTopic: TBA Speaker: TBD Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring your lunch to enjoy while you learn!
Topic: TBA Speaker: TBD Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring your lunch to enjoy while you learn!
Topic: Plant Pathogens Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring your lunch and learn!
Topic: Container Gardening Speaker: Christy Schweikhardt, Bluebonnet Master Gardener Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring a sack lunch to enjoy while you learn!
Topic: Seed Collection Speaker: Mary Ann Drawl, Waller County Master Gardener Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring your lunch to enjoy while you learn!
Topic: Tree Pathology Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring your lunch and learn!
Topic: Identifying and Controlling Weeds in the Landscape Speaker: Dr. Manuel Chavarria Texas A&M Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist Turfgrass Stress Physiology Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring... Read More →
Topic: Drip Irrigation Speaker: Gerald DuPont, Bluebonnet Master Gardener Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring your lunch to enjoy while you learn!
Topic: Container Grown Plants Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring your lunch and learn!
Topic: Attracting Butterflies & Other Pollinators to The Garden Speaker: TBD Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring a sack lunch to enjoy while you learn!
Topic: Composting Speaker: Ali Blake, Bluebonnet Master Gardener Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring your lunch to enjoy while you learn!
Topic: Mason Bees Free to the Public! Light refreshments provided. Bring your lunch and learn!