February 21: Garden Stretches: Stop the Ache before you Rake (Michelle Wright, Austin County, CEA) March 21: Composting (Mary Karish, Waller County Master Gardener) April 18: TBA May 16: Orchids June - August: No Program September 19: Plumerias (Faye Beery, Bluebonnet Master Gardener) October 17: Wonderful World of the Honeybee (Tom Shaughnessy, Local Beekeeper)
Presentation: Joseph (Joe) & Suzanne Hakkinen. Joe is President of the Bastrop County's Beekeepers Association. His presentation will highlight how to start and raise bees, the diseases that affect bees and also what plants are suitable for bees. He will most likely bring an enclosed bee container, where the queen is keeping all of the workers busy.