Winter is here! The snow from earlier this week provided some much-needed moisture! The ground just soaked it up. And now the sun is shining brightly and the snow is almost gone. We are not even into February and I’m already asking my husband “Is it Spring yet?” He keeps replying “March 20th dear.” As of today, Jan. 27, 2022, that’s 50 days away! It’s forever! Or is it? Fifty days is a lot of time to plan outdoor containers and some reimagining of a few of my beds. Hmmm. What should I do? Oh and a vegetable garden! What will I plant this year and what do I need to start soon so those tiny little plants will be hardened off and ready to go in the ground when the time is right? And what about my greenhouse that I want to build! Wait! 50 days! I’m running out of time! Ah, but this is the Texas Panhandle and we know one thing about panhandle weather — never plant before Mother’s Day (May 8th if you are wondering). The last freeze will likely be before that and it will be safe to plant outside. Whew! That gives me a few more days to plan and get seeds (better buy them soon!). In the meantime, it’s still Winter and it could snow again. Better grab a cup of tea, my favorite seed catalog, gardening book and dream of my garden goals for 2022.
What are your garden goals this year? Search our gardening posts for some inspiration from our Randall County Master Gardeners or look at our project gardens for additional ideas. The gardens are always open though they are sleeping right now. Soon they will wake up and be beautiful. I bet your garden will be beautiful too!
Stay warm and feed the Bees!
Susan Hester, website admin