Step One: Get on the Contact List
To get on the Contact List for the Little River Basin Master Garden Association (LRBMGA), email the association – with your contact information (name, address, phone # and email). Once on the list, you will get information on educational opportunities and the 2025 Intern Class (February – May).
Step 2: Sign up for the 2025 Intern Class
When the registration form for the Intern Class is available it will be emailed to persons on the contact list. You will need to submit the form and class registration fee the Milam County Extension Office. (Training Application for 2025 Intern Class)
Step 3: Attend the Training Classes
All participants will receive a resource handbook. The training class schedule will be available with the registration form. Classes will be weekly starting in February 2025 and ending in May 2025. There is a minimum of 50 hours of training. Upon completion of the training you become a Master Gardener Intern.
Courses are taught by Texas Cooperative Extension specialists, agents, and local experts and covers topics including lawn care, ornamental trees and shrubs, insect, disease, and weed management; soils and plant nutrition, vegetable gardening; home fruit production; garden flowers; and water conservation.
Step 4: Complete Volunteer Requirements
After the 50 hours of training, the final step in becoming a certified master gardener is to complete a minimum of 50 hours of volunteer time. Volunteer opportunities will be offered during the training. The type of service varies according to community needs, and participants abilities and interests. The volunteer hours may be accumulated during the hours of training.
Step 5: Become a Certified Master Gardener
Upon completion of the classes and volunteer hours you gain the title of “Texas Master Gardener”. Master Gardener trainees, Interns, and Master Gardeners are encouraged to participate in local Master Gardener association groups and to attend conferences.
Step 6: Maintaining Master Gardener Certification
In order to retain the Texas Master Gardener title in Milam County, individuals are required each year to participate in recertification training (continuing education) and provide additional hours of volunteer service through the local Extension office. In accordance with the LRBMGA Policy and Procedure Manual – Chapter 6 Certification Standards, in order to retain the title of Certified Texas Master Gardener, members must annually:
Complete 24 hours of volunteer service
Complete 10 hours of continuing training classes
When to use the Master Gardener Title
The Texas Master Gardener Title is to be used only when doing unpaid volunteer work in this program. However, when Texas Master Gardeners speak before groups on horticultural subjects it is permissible for them to accept unsolicited reimbursements or gifts. It is recommended that Master Gardeners and Interns alike wear their Master Gardener badge to their service project.