Texas Master Gardener CertificationOnly individuals trained in the Texas Master Gardener program are allowed to use the Texas Master Gardener title. This title is for use in assisting the Texas AgriLife Extension Service. A trainee must receive a minimum of 50 hours of instruction, pass an examination administered by Extension and volunteer a minimum of 50 hours of service to earn the title of “Texas Master Gardener.” Once a trainee completes the instruction and examination phase, the individual gains the title of “Master Gardener Intern.” From that point, the Intern has a maximum of one year to complete a minimum of 50 hours of volunteer service and receive the title of “Master Gardener”. Master Gardener trainees, Interns, and Master Gardeners are encouraged to participate in local Master Gardener association groups and to attend State/Regional Master Gardener conferences. In order to retain the Texas Master Gardener title, individuals are required each year to participate in a minimum of 6 hours of recertification training and provide an additional 12 hours of volunteer service through the local Extension office. Again documentation requirements and validation of training and volunteer service hours for recertification are under the purview of the County Extension Agent or individual designated by the agent. The title of Texas Master Gardener is valid only when the volunteer is participating in a Master Gardener program being conducted by Texas AgriLife Extension. When an individual ceases active participation in the Master Gardener program and/or does not meet recertification requirements, the individual’s certification as a Texas Master Gardener becomes void. The County Extension Agents, serving as Master Gardener Coordinators, are charged to maintain this guideline. |