Mtg–“School Gardening”

Our program will be hosted by our own ACMGs--Pam Denson, James Henry, and Mike Kelly. The topic will be "School Gardening". Executive 9:00 am, Meeting 9:30 am, Annex, October 27, 2016.

January Meeting

Anderson County Master Gardeners will meet Thursday, January 26, 9:30 (Exec 9:00) at the Courthouse Annex, room 103A. Lydia Holley from Henderson County Master Gardeners will speak on "Winter Landscapes."

Demo Garden

Work day at the demo garden at the Federal Building is scheduled for Thursday, February 2, 8:00 am

GYOG Meeting

GYOG meeting Friday, February 17, 9 am, Federal Bldg to review plans.

Master Gardener Meeting

Regular meeting of Anderson County Master Gardeners is Thursday, Feb.23, 9:30 am (executive 9:00), at Courthouse Annex. Room 103A. Genie Lindburg from Crockett Garden Club will present our program on "Invasive Plants."

Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening

"Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening" presentation by Pam Denson, Tuesday, February 28, 6:30 pm, at Ben E. Keith, 2019 W. Oak St., Palestine. Presentation will cover basics of vegetable gardening in a raised bed: how to construct a raised bed, where to get needed materials, what to plant and when.