The ACMG’s assisted Neches Elementary in reviving their dormant garden overgrown with weeds again. We started with only half of the total number beds so the teacher heading the project, Mrs. Phillips, would not be overwhelmed. The project started in October 2023. Mrs. Phillips had the beds cleaned out.
Fall Garden is likely to be planted at the end of September or early October. They planned on starting seeds in the classroom.
Students harvested onions and carrots while green tomatoes were waiting to turn red. Sunflowers were reaching past the kids’ heads.
Mrs Phillips contacted ACMG about worms eating their plants. They do not use pesticides and were a little discouraged by this. Information was provided on how the worms can be managed.
The first round of spring crops were planted for their spring garden. The spring garden crops included Strawberries, Tomatoes, Marigolds, Mint, Thyme, Rosemary, Carrots, Onions, Squash, Cosmos, Sunflowers, Zinnias, and wildflowers. Kristen Frederick donated seeds and Strawberry plants from Atwoods. Charlotte Sanders donated Tomato plants.
Broccoli was harvested and used in the cafeteria.
Students harvested 5 crates of Bok Choy with more leftover which were harvested later. This harvest was taken directly to the school cafeteria where they incorporated it into the meals for the kids to have a farm-to-table experience.
Kristen Frederick picked up some fall crops and herbs from Alcatraz Plant Farm and took them to Neches Elementary. She taught a small class with the two 3rd grade classes where the kids planted the garden. This included Broccoli, Kale, Bok Choy, Cabbage, Mint, Rosemary, Sage and Lavender. The students and teachers monitored and watered the garden until harvest time.
Shirley and Bobby donated a trailer load of Neches compost. Robert Adams kindly dropped off the trailer of compost for us. Pam Denson, Charlotte Sanders, Pat Jolly and Kristen Frederick (with the help of her 3 kids) unloaded and filled the beds with compost. There were four 4’x4′ beds which end-capped four 8’x4′ beds plus one long 2’x20′(ish) bed.