Meeting–Lois Hutson, “Honey Bees”

Lois Hutson will present program on "Honey Bees" at the annex. Executive at 9:00 am. Lone Star Military Farmers Farm Support Specialist/Resources Development

Mtg–“School Gardening”

Our program will be hosted by our own ACMGs--Pam Denson, James Henry, and Mike Kelly. The topic will be "School Gardening". Executive 9:00 am, Meeting 9:30 am, Annex, October 27, 2016.

January Meeting

Anderson County Master Gardeners will meet Thursday, January 26, 9:30 (Exec 9:00) at the Courthouse Annex, room 103A. Lydia Holley from Henderson County Master Gardeners will speak on "Winter Landscapes."