Make plans to join us Thursday, March 3 for a free presentation by Mary Karish, Waller County Master Gardener. Mary has been a Texas Master Gardener since 2009 and has experience gardening in both North and Southeast Texas. However, her gardening skills developed early in life at the age of 7, helping her grandmother look after the family fruit orchard in the mountains of Lebanon, a tiny country in the East Mediterranean where she grew up. She is a specialist in Composting, Greenhouse Management, Citrus, Home Fruit Orchard and Budding and Propagation.
Aside from maintaining her own organic vegetable garden, a wild flower meadow, a citrus and a fruit orchard, Mary gives presentations, lectures and hands on workshops on soil building, garden design, planting and food preservation. Her programs are offered at Katy Independent School District Adult Evening Education Programs, garden clubs, county master gardeners, corporations and senior education centers.
Mary will be speaking on the success of raising many of the plants featured in our sale using tried and true methods. We’ll have giveaways and light refreshments. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Mary this Thursday, March 3, 6PM at the Waller County Extension Office. Please call 979-826-7651 to reserve your seat.