Egg planters:
Break off the end of the egg to make a nickel-sized or slightly larger hole in one end. Shake out the egg. Poke a hole in the opposite end of the eggshell for drainage. Fill the hollow eggshell with moistened seed-starting mix. Wipe off the mess from the outside of the eggshell (and it will get messy when you fill it). Place it back into the egg carton or whatever you can find to keep the filled eggshell upright. Drop in two or three herb or flower seeds. Cover the top of the eggshell with plastic wrap and put it under a grow light (or strong desk lamp). When you see the cotyledons (which look like leaves, but aren’t), remove the plastic wrap and only water when the seed starting mix is dry, using a fine mister so you don’t drown the poor seedlings. Let them get two true leaves, cut off the weaker seedlings down at the base using sharp scissors, let the remaining seedling get another leaf or two, and then you can plant it in a pot.
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