We got some rain in the demo garden this week and hope you got some too.
We finished removing all of the dead melon and pumpkin vines from the row garden. We also planted a double row of carrots and added drip tape to water them.
In the raised beds we harvested Swiss chard and eggplant. We pulled weeds and freed the dill that was trapped within them. We also took the row covers off of the first two raised beds since the chard, cabbage and broccoli leaves were trying to grow up around it. .
The demonstration garden is located north of the Williamson County Extension Office driveway at 3151 SE Innerloop Road, Georgetown, Texas. Master gardeners are usually at work in the vegetable garden on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00. Anyone is welcome to stop by to see the garden or to ask questions of the master gardeners.
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