- Donations to The Caring Place start new year. This will include both harvested and donated items. 320 lbs. harvested, 5 lbs. donated.
- Plantings for this month include daikon radishes, cilantro, parsley, onions (lots of them), peach, pecan and apple trees, red clover cover crop
- Sonia is putting together a recap of the Ant Experiment
- Rick and Judy’s carrot bed trial continues to do great
- Lettuce trial has continued to produce well
- Lots of seaweed tea used to protect from weather, fish emulsion
- Rows readied for onion and potato planting
- Daikon radishes did their job loosening the soil under peach trees and yielding a large harvest
- 36 inches of rain for the month
- Steve tested and repaired irrigation systems for all the gardens.
- Routine hand weeding.
- Routine pest control.
- Lots of bags of leaves delivered and shredded
- Dedicated members who brave really bad conditions to make sure the garden is taken care of.
- Weather continues to be a thorn in our side. Warm days followed by freezes.
- Time spent covering and uncovering rows to protect from freezes
- Rain made working in the garden sometimes very difficult.
- Grounds crew have damaged new small trees with string trimmers and they have been mowing down the ground cover. Need better communication.
- Need to make sure everyone is recording what they plant in their beds.