Williamson County Master Gardener’s 2025 Plant Sale
Saturday March 22, 2025 10AM to 2PM or when we sell out of plants
Location: Georgetown Community Center, San Gabriel Park,
445 E. Morrow St., Georgetown Tx
Shop inside in dry, air conditioned or heated comfort no matter what the weather outside decides to do. There will be native and adapted perennials, grasses, vines, succulents, annuals and herbs that are sourced and grown in this area. Come early for best selection as many varieties sell out early.
Schedule of events:
9AM doors open for the following:
– Native & Adapted Plants presentation before the plant sale starts.
– Our “Ask a Master Gardener” Help Desk will be available for your gardening and horticultural questions.
– Williamson County 4H will begin selling food items for their fundraising event, in the Food Court area.
– Junior Master Gardeners (JMG) will have a booth with information about their program and free activities during the event for youth attending the sale.
10AM doors to the plant sale area will open for shopping. No plants will be sold before 10AM.
Below is a sample plant list of what we expect to be available during the Plant Sale. The final 2025 plant list, may include some different varieties based on popularity, and availability at the time of sale. The plant list will be finalized and posted the week prior to the sale. A limited number of copies of the final list will be available at the check-in table for the Plant Sale.
Please bring your own cart or wagon for all your plants!