Who doesn’t love to come to VEG and see the Butterfly Area. There are nectar plants galore and comfy places to sit and enjoy it all. The signage in the area shows the life cycle of the butterfly.
Thanks to Brynn Lee, Butterfly Area chair.

In the Rainbow Circle in this area you will find Indigo and Violet colors of flowers and certainly a pot of GOLD at the end of the Rainbow Circle.
The Alphabet Animal stepping stones mark where plants such as the ZEBRA Grass are. When you reach the “Z” you know you’ve found all the letters of the alphabet.

You can see the end of the Bird Area Rainbow Circle BLUE marker here. Many of the plants in the Butterfly Area provide nectar as well as the host plant for some of the most common butterflies found in this area of Texas. Look especially for Monarchs, Queens, Swallowtails, Fritillaries, etc. As you go into this Secret Garden Area you will find a small Butterfly Habitat.
(Venture on over next to our Butterfly Haven)
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