Kathy C. is sharing what our FIVE SENSES are and how we can use them in a garden. We also talk about the needs of plants and other sensory plants and features in this area. We could smell Society Garlic. We could feel the Feathery Muhley Grass. We can listen for the sounds of the wind rustling through the plants. WE could taste mint if we wash it first. We could look for colors of flowers and leaves.

Plants in the Sensory Area
Thanks to Betty Tovar, chair of the Sensory Area
*Can you pick out a plant for each letter in the Alphabet Circle?
What colors are in the Rainbow Circle?
Now, which plants are especially SENSORY?
*Elephant ears
*Cat whiskers
*Bird of Paradise
*Alligator Plant
Dwarf Yaupon, Holly
Drift Rose
*Foxtail fern
Bamboo Muhley Grass (feathery feeling)
Bleeding heart vine
Firecracker fern Russelia equistiformis
Firecracker fern Russelia samentosa
*Giant bird of paradise
Peruvian lily
Society Garlic (strong aroma)
Mealy blue sage
Almond verbena (sweet smell & leaves feel like sandpaper)
Texas Star hibiscus – RED
Variegated shrimp
Sand leaf ivy (feels like sand)
*Elephant ear
Root beer plant
Jasmine Maid of Orleans
Climbing Pinkie rose
Banana shrub
Chinese Fringe tree
Nandina heavenly bamboo
Spearmint (tastes minty)
Mexican Flame Vine – ORANGE

Take time to smell the roses!
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